After one year we’ve returned to the home the technical leader of our project, Fraunhofer IIS in Erlangen. This is the place where about 30 years ago the audio codec MP3 was developed, that revolutionized media distribution. Today, FH IIS has one of the finest audio labs. There, at the end of the fist day of our meeting, we were able to experience and evaluate live some of Fraunhofer’s interesting recent developments to support an object-based production environment, as well as some of IRCAM’s exiting approaches in solving the task to re-create room acoustics adaptively in end devices (c.f. our recently published deliverable D3.2).

BBC ORPHEUS STUDIOOur meeting #5 was  dedicated not only to look back on the achievements of the first year of ORPHEUS -although interest and feedback in our project really took off in the past three months, as many of us have been invited to present ORPHEUS at various events.

The main task of the two days in Erlangen was to kick off  pilot phase 1, where we aim to demonstrate the feasibility of “object-based live broadcasting” from a specially designed and developed studio at BBC Broadcasting House in London.  This studio, totally built upon IP connections, has also been recently finished. And the details on infrastructure and technology applied are well documented in another of our newly available public deliverables, D3.4 .

Now, the course has been set, all related tasks are identified and assigned for the next six months – so we can start afresh after the season’s break.