Two member of the core team were presenting ORPHEUS related work at this year’s Web Audio Conference in Atlanta, GA:

  • Frank Melchior from BBC R&D sketched “Brave New World – Experiences in Next Generation Audio Broadcasting” as a keynote to kick off the conference on Monday. Frank focused on the challenges and ample opportunities for traditional broadcasters to adapt to a total internet distribution of their content (find the complete abstract here).

Watch Frank’s Keynote to the WAC conference:


  • Michael Weitnauer from  IRT presented ” bogJS – A JavaScript framework for object-based rendering in browsers”, that he and another ORPHEUS core team member, Michael Meier, succeeded in finalizing for initial publication just recenetly (abstract here – Michael’s presentation as PDF – GitHub resources here – try out on demo site).

Watch Michael’s presentation:

Full on-demand video coverage  of the event also is available via this page.