Heidelberg, 31st March. The Eurescom-led ESA ARTES project 5G-GOA released a public statement today regarding its commitment to contribute to the OpenAirInterface™ open-source code base, in order to support 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks concerning direct connectivity over geostationary satellites. For further details please refer to the 5G-GOA Statement OpenAirInterface.
CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call 2022 – Deadline 14 April
The CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call is open for project proposals in the area of telecommunications and ICT. The deadline for proposal submissions is 14 April 2022.
Further information is available on the CELTIC-NEXT Call Page.
The Road to 6G – Eurescom message Winter 2021
While 5G networks are still being deployed, work on 6G, the sixth generation of mobile communication technologies, has already begun. In this issue of Eurescom message, we provide a glimpse on what is done in Europe to move towards 6G. We present selected research and innovation projects that are already working on different technological aspects that may later become parts of the 6G standard.
The cover theme of the magazine features the following contributions:
- The road to 6G – An overview
- Hexa-X and the values of 6G – The European Union’s flagship project on 6G
- AI-driven ubiquitous networks for massive machine connections
- Global initiatives towards 6G – A review of the current status
- Commercial 6G launch expected by 2030 – Interview with Peter Merz from Nokia
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G – Solutions from the ARIADNE project
In addition, this edition of Eurescom message includes articles on events, and more.
The magazine also includes the latest issue of CELTIC News, which is published by Eureka Cluster CELTIC-NEXT.
Online edition – Eurescom message Winter 2021 (including CELTIC News)
PDF edition – Eurescom message Winter 2021 (including CELTIC News)
Eurescom director at roundtable about 5G-enabled use cases on TelecomTV

On 21st September, TelecomTV published a roundtable video about 5G innovation for industry verticals. The session sponsored by 5G-VINNI partner Nokia featured two speakers from the project: 5G-VINNI Coordinator Pål Grønsund from Telenor Research and David Kennedy, Director of Eurescom. They discussed, how 5G-VINNI has contributed to unlocking the value of 5G-enabled use cases. Pål Grønsund shared the achievements and lessons learned through the 5G-VINNI project, while David Kennedy presented Eurescom’s perspective on the drivers behind the 5G PPP programme as a European, multi-vendor 5G environment for vertical industry-driven 5G use case trials.
On 5th October, a live online Q&A session took place, in which anyone interested had the chance to ask questions to David Kennedy and the other speakers from both sessions.
Further information
5G-VINNI: 5G Innovation for industry verticals (Roundtables and Q&A)
High number of proposals in Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021
The second Eureka Clusters AI Call, which was launched on 1st March, has attracted a high number of project proposals. By the deadline of 28th June, 43 proposals had been submitted. These proposals represent a total commitment of 2,518 person years by international researchers and developers from large enterprises, SMEs, research & technology organisations, and academia.
The aim of this Call is to boost the productivity and competitiveness of European industries through the adoption and use of AI systems and services. 14 Eureka countries have allocated budget to support ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence innovations. The Call has been jointly organised by the following Eureka Clusters: CELTIC-NEXT, EUROGIA, ITEA, PENTA–EURIPIDES, and SMART. For 9 of the submitted proposals, CELTIC-NEXT has been selected as the primary Cluster. For 6 additional proposals, CELTIC-NEXT has been selected as the secondary Cluster. This means that CELTIC-NEXT has been selected in more than a third of the proposals among the 5 Clusters.
The proposals are now being evaluated. Results are expected to be known by the end of September.
Via the CELTIC-NEXT Office, Eurescom has been co-leading the organisation of the AI Call.
Further information:
Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 launched on 1st March
The Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 was launched on 1st March 2021 with a submission deadline of 28th June 2021. The aim of this Call is to boost the productivity and competitiveness of European industries through the adoption and use of AI systems and services.
The Call is based on the interest shown in the first Eureka Clusters AI Call in 2020 and the national priorities in the Eureka Member states. These priorities include supporting the development, adaption and utilisation of emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities across multiple vertical and technological domains.
This second Call for innovative projects in the AI domain was launched by the Eureka Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EURIPIDES²-PENTA, EUROGIA, ITEA3, and SMART, together with 14 Public Authorities of Eureka member states. Eurescom has contributed to the Call via the CELTIC Office and by hosting the Call website.
Further information on the Call is available on the Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 website.
Successful final review of SliceNet project
5G PPP project SliceNet had a successful final review meeting on 9th July 2020. The Horizon 2020 project has been coordinated by Eurescom and generated results with high impact on network slicing in 5G. The three vertical use cases in the areas of eHealth, Smart Grid and Street Lighting validated the SliceNet solutions.
SliceNet has made substantial achievements in building a framework for network slicing across multiple administrative domains. The framework facilitates the early and smooth adoption of 5G slices for verticals to achieve their demanding use cases, and it manages the quality of experience (QoE) for slice services. The framework can be used by verticals in different sectors.
5G network slicing is considered to be one of the most important innovations in communications within the last ten years. This is due to the role of slicing in maximizing network resource sharing, optimizing flexibility to meet diverging vertical business requirements, and upgrading operational capabilities to offer configurable warranties in quality of service (QoS) and/or quality of experience (QoE). SliceNet followed a layered architectural approach to allow the creation of a modular, extensible and scalable framework.
SliceNet project coordinator Maria Barros Weiss from Eurescom is convinced: “Slicing will open up a significant number of new markets and enable a wide range of innovative use cases.”
Further information
SliceNet website – https://slicenet.eu
Slicenet has been supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement number H2020-ICT-2016-2/761913.
5G for Connected and Automated Mobility – Eurescom message Winter ’19
Mobility is at the centre of many public discussions and technological developments. The rapid growth of transport and traffic, especially in urban areas, has come at the price of pollution, congestion, and accidents. Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) offers now the opportunity to tackle many of these problems.
In the winter 2019 issue of Eurescom message, we provide an overview on the current status of 5G-based CAM development in Europe and present selected CAM-related R&D activities under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.