Summer 2019

5G Trials and Experimentation

The year 2019 is crucial for the development of 5G worldwide. That is particularly true for Europe, where network operators are bidding for 5G spectrum licenses and preparing for the rollout of 5G networks. At the same time vertical industry players are working on 5G-based applications and services in areas like smart cities, factories of the future, and automotive.

With billions of devices joining the network, 5G will reach unprecedented levels of complexity. And that is the reason why 5G trials and experimentation are of high importance for the success of 5G. In Europe, the 5G PPP programme is reaching a decisive phase, as a number of vertical trial projects have started in June 2019. The editorial team decided that this the perfect time for a cover them on 5G trials and experimentation.

Downloadable edition in pdf format:
Eurescom Message - Summer 2019 [16 MB]

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