Winter 2020
ICT for Smart Sustainable Cities
Downloadable edition in pdf format:
Eurescom Message - Winter 2020 [10 MB]
- ICT for smart sustainable cities in Europe - An overview
- Lighthouse solutions for urban sustainability
- Cities should be part of EU climate policy decisions
- Co-creation of smart sustainable cities
- 5G powered smart lighting in smart cities
- How Eureka Clusters keep reinventing themselves
- Next generation communications meets clean energy
- How Austria supports CELTIC-NEXT projects
- More synergies and global cooperation in Eureka
The cover theme of the magazine features the following contributions:
ICT for smart sustainable cities in Europe - An overview
Today, 75% of European citizens live in cities. This percentage is expected to grow to 80% by 2050. Cities consume about two thirds of the world’s energy and are responsible for more than 70% of global man-made CO2 emissions. Thus, cities play a crucial role for reaching the European Union’s CO2 reduction goals and the UN sustainability goals. Information and communication technologies are of key importance for enabling cities to become sustainable. The concept for ICT-enabled sustainability on municipal level is called “smart sustainable cities”.
Lighthouse solutions for urban sustainability
Today's urban sprawl can easily be summed up by one figure – 75% – which corresponds to the EU's urban population. It is easy to imagine the resulting high level of resources used and the devastating effects on the environment. The solution? Transforming our cities into smart and sustainable innovation hubs by using the latest findings in the fields of energy, transport and information and communication technology (ICT). This is what STARDUST is all about.
Cities should be part of EU climate policy decisions
Interview with Covenant of Mayors board member Eckart Würzner on the sustainable development of European cities Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner (photo: @ 2019 Julian Beekmann) One of the major initiatives […]
Co-creation of smart sustainable cities
The 5G SOLUTIONS project Prof. Annemie Wyckmans NTNU Dr. Dirk Ahlers NTNU Dr. Per Jonny Nesse Telenor Research Håkon Lønsethagen Telenor Research In 2050, two thirds […]
5G powered smart lighting in smart cities
SliceNet’s smart city pilot Marius Iordache Orange Romania Christian Patachia Orange Romania The new 5G network system promises numerous advantages for a large number of vertical sector […]