The 33 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
10 Jun 2025 - 13 Jun 2025

The 33rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 25 an annual event organized under the auspices of the Mediterranean Control Association (MCA), and the technical support of IEEE Control System Society (CSS), IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), to take place in Tangier, Morocco, on 23-25 June 2025.
The conference will be preceded by a one day of workshops and tutorial, on 22 June 2025.
Website: https://med2025.org/
- 03 FEBRUARY 2025: DEADLINE of submission
- 07 APRIL 2025: Acceptance / rejection notification
- 05 MAY 2025: Upload final, camera-ready papers
- 07 APRIL TO 12 MAY 2025: Early registration
- 10 JUNE 2025: WORKSHOP
- 11 TO 13 JUNE: Conference
PAPERS: The paper format must follow IEEE paper submission rules, two-column format using 10-point font, Times New Roman or similar. The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is six (6). Up to two (2) additional pages will be permitted for an additional charge. Illustrations and references are included in the page count.
INVITED SESSIONS: Proposals for invited sessions should contain a summary statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, the invited paper titles and the names of the authors. Authors must submit FULL invited papers. Each paper must be marked as “Invited Session Paper”.
WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS: Proposals for workshops and tutorials should contain title, list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their presentations.
All contributions (papers, invited papers, proposals for invited sessions, workshops, and tutorials) must be submitted electronically through https://controls.papercept.net by February 3, 2025.
REVIEW: All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members and qualified reviewers. Authors will be notified of results at the latest by April 7, 2025. Accepted papers must be uploaded electronically no later than May 12, 2025.