Eurescom message - The magazine for telecom insiders
Eurescom message is a European ICT magazine focusing on research, development and innovation in the communications sector. The magazine is published two times a year and has a circulation of 2,400 copies. Eurescom message includes CELTIC News, the newsletter of the CELTIC-NEXT EUREKA Cluster.

Winter 2018
Network slicing has become one of the major concepts in 5G. What has driven the development of the slicing concept is the ambition to better utilise future networks. While some

Summer 2018
Recent advances of information and communication technologies offer the promise of making all business sectors more effective in using resources for providing products and services. Transport and logistics is one

Winter 2017
5G is making fast progress. By the end of 2017, there have been significant advances happening in 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) technologies. In addition, we are close to the

Summer 2017
In a world of trillions of IoT devices, effective 5G network management could mean the difference between a properly working networking infrastructure and a network open to all kinds of

Summer 2016
Satellite communications and terrestrial communications co-existed for decades without a high degree of integration. This has been changing recently. Efforts towards satellite-terrestrial integration are increasing, and particularly machine-to-machine communication and

Winter 2016
Making the transition from connected computers to connected things offers unprecedented opportunities. At the same time, it makes us more dependent on the flawless functioning of ICT and more prone