FIREworks – Future Internet Research and Experimentation
he FIREworks Support Action (SA) coordinates and supports interworking of testbed activities in Europe and their respective connections outside of Europe, mainly to North America and Far East.
FIRST – Implementing cooperation on Future Internet and ICT Components between Europe and Latin America
FIRST is a Support Action (SA) intended to foster International Cooperation in the areas of Future Internet and ICT Components and systems between Europe and Latin America. FIRST will extend European Technology Platforms constituencies to Latin American key strategic partners in the research domain, including development of research, policy and innovation roadmaps for implementing efficient cooperation between Europe and Latin America, identifying strategic partners and potential areas for cooperation where critical mass, common interests and high technological capacity is detected and where there are market potential. FIRST focuses on the wider ICT scope, taking benefit of the relevance of the FIRST partners, being the most reputed organizations, with high credibility in the Region, and capable to influence Latin American stakeholders in the research domain.
FI-Business is a support programme for the 16 specific FIWARE accelerator programmes and their selected start-ups and companies (SUC). The aim of FI Business is to support FIWARE accepted SUCs with several kind of services, like boot camps, which are not offered by the accelerators themselves or are complementary to those.
FIWARE Business Support
The selected startups and companies of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme can also take advantage of special business support and services complementary to those offered by the accelerators themselves.
Based on the business needs identified by the FIWARE accelerators, the FI Business project provides the selected FIWARE Accelerator companies support services, free of charge, through a system of vouchers. Once they have consumed their vouchers they can still receive one-to-one coaching by paying a fee. Project Flyer
FI-STAR Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research (IP – FI-PPP Programme)
FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1.
It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use a fundamentally different, “reverse” cloud approach that is.
It will bring the software to the data, rather than bringing the data to the software. FI-STAR will create a robust framework based of the “software to data” paradigm.
A sustainable value chain following the life cycle of the Generic Enablers (GEs) will enable FI-STAR to grow beyond the lifetime of the project. FI-STAR will build a vertical community in order to create a sustainable ecosystem for all user groups in the global Health care and adjacent markets based on FI-PPP specifications.
FI-STAR will deploy and execute 7 early trials across Europe, serving more than 4 million people. Through the trials FI-STAR will validate the FI-PPP core platform concept by using GEs to build its framework and will introduce ultra-light interactive applications for user functionality.
It will pro-actively engage with the FI-PPP to propose specifications and standards.FI-STAR will use the latest digital media technology for community building and will proactively prepare for Phase 3 through targeted elicitation of new partners using open calls.
Finally, FI-STAR will collaborate with other FI-PPP projects, through the mechanisms in place, by actively interacting with all necessary bodies. FI-STAR is a unique opportunity for implementing Future Internet Private-Public Partnership in the Health Care domain, by offering to the community standardised and certified software including a safe, secure and resilient platform, taking advantage of all Cloud Computing benefits and guaranteeing the protection of sensitive and personal data travelling in Public Clouds.
eMobility Networld – Society is becoming confident that it can address the Grand Challenges of the 21st century: It can address global warming by taking decisive action, can invent and deploy innovative transport systems to reduce traffic problems and will be able to solve the issues associated with the ageing population. Smart applications enabled by advanced communication networks will be a centrepiece of many solutions offering the hope of a better world. Communication networks have catalysed tremendous economic development in the emerging countries of the world – advanced, ubiquitous communication networks will now also spark a new wave of innovation and employment in the developed world – the Future Internet. The eMobility NetWorld project will establish a dialogue, building on the successful Net!Works (formerly eMobility) Platform, to identify the research needed on Future Internet issues to enable it to support smart applications needed by society. Connecting and communicating the value of the prioritised research topics to the needs of society is what the eMobility NetWorld project is all about.
Technology related priorities will be captured in the Strategic Research Agenda. The key messages regarding the value of the proposed research to society will be identified and then professionally packaged as multi-media presentations. The messages will be addressed to key decision makers in Europe and in the international arena in both industry and politics through conferences, specific workshops and meetings, via an interactive web site and through the annual Future Networks & Mobile Summit, which is sponsored by the project. The result will be a broad consensus on priorities, resulting in coordination of research activities and increased awareness of the priorities by key decision makers. eMobility NetWorld will be undertaken by a consortium of experienced industry and academic participants with an effort of 62 person-months.
OMEGA will develop a user-friendly home access network capable of delivering high-bandwidth services and content at a transmission speed of one Gigabit per second.
OpenLab brings together the essential ingredients for an open, general purpose and sustainable large scale shared experimental facility, providing advances to the early and successful prototypes serving the demands of Future Internet Research and Experimentation. We are deploying the software and tools that allow these advanced testbeds to support a diverse set of applications and protocols in more efficient and flexible ways.
PII addresses the need for large-scale testing facilities in the communications area by implementing an infrastructure for federating testbeds. The PII project uses the concept of European innovation clusters and builds on the existing testbeds that are supporting scientific and technological endeavour within these clusters. The central objective of PII is to create a testbed federation among these regional innovation clusters in Europe. This will enable companies participating in these clusters to test new communication services and applications across Europe. The testbed federation includes four core innovation clusters and three satellite clusters.
QOSMOS – Quality of Service and MObility driven cognitive radio Systems
The primary objective of QoSMOS is to develop a framework for Cognitive Radio systems and to develop and prove critical technologies using a test-bed. Involvement in standards bodies and industrial forums is emphasised from the start, to increase the probability of adoption of QoSMOS results into standardised products. The initial focus is on opportunistic use of radio spectrum, with an early example being TV White Spaces. The project has an External Advisory Board consisting mainly of regulators and broadcasters, to help steer the project and also to provide paths for exploitation of project results.
ReBioStent – Reinforced Bioresorbable Biomaterials for Therapeutic Drug Eluting Stents (CP-TP – NMP Programme)
The ReBioStent project (Reinforced Bioresorbable Biomaterials for Therapeutic Drug Eluting Stents) is a Project addressing the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) work programme Theme on Biomaterials for Advanced Therapies and Medical Devices in the neurological/neuromuscular or cardiovascular fields. The aim of this project is to develop a resorbable cardiovascular stent that will replace the current metallic stents, translating in the main objective of developing multifunctional biomaterials for Reinforced Bioresorbable Therapeutic Drug Eluting Stents. These newly developed biomaterials will be drug-loaded, bioresorbable with improved mechanical properties, reducing the risk of in-stent restenosis, thrombosis, and surface functionalisation to promote rapid endothelialisation.