ALIPRO - Supporting the ALIgnment of IS research PROgrammes on mobile communications in the new member states

ALIPRO – Supporting the ALIgnment of IS research PROgrammes on mobile communications in the new member states

ALIPRO is an EU research project under Framework Programme 6 which aims at supporting the alignment of the new member states’ national and regional research programmes with European IST research in the area of mobile technologies, applications, and services.

The project will accelerate the creation, improvement, and alignment of mobility-related national and regional activities and programmes in the new member states (NMS) and accession candidate countries (ACC), strengthening their integration on European level. ALIPRO will achieve this goal through benchmarking, vision-building and roadmapping as well as dissemination of the results to the relevant stakeholders in the NMS and ACC.

Contact at Eurescom: 
Project Duration: 01/03/2005  31/03/2006
Coordinator:  from  
Number of partners: 
Grant Agreement Number: IST-2004-015811