FI-Business is a support programme for the 16 specific FIWARE accelerator programmes and their selected start-ups and companies (SUC)

FI-Business is a support programme for the 16 specific FIWARE accelerator programmes and their selected start-ups and companies (SUC). The aim of FI Business is to support FIWARE accepted SUCs with several kind of services, like boot camps, which are not offered by the accelerators themselves or are complementary to those.

FIWARE Business Support

The selected startups and companies of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme can also take advantage of special business support and services complementary to those offered by the accelerators themselves.

Based on the business needs identified by the FIWARE accelerators, the FI Business project provides the selected FIWARE Accelerator companies support services, free of charge, through a system of vouchers. Once they have consumed their vouchers they can still receive one-to-one coaching by paying a fee.
Project Flyer

Contact at Eurescom: 
Project Duration:   
Coordinator:  from  
Number of partners: 
Grant Agreement Number: